- about
- о
о (about, on, of, regarding, upon, against)об (about, on, of, upon, against, gainst)около (about, around, near, at, beside, next)по (on, by, in, under, over, about)относительно (on, about, regarding, concerning, with respect, in relation to)насчет (about, concerning, as regards)вокруг (around, round, about, over)у (in, at, near, among, by, about)кругом (round, about)близ (near, close, nearby, beside, about)наречие:около (about, around, near, some, nearly, next)приблизительно (about, approximately, some, roughly, nearly, circa)относительно (relatively, about, concerning, over, comparatively, in reference to)вокруг (around, round, about, circum)почти (almost, nearly, about, near, most, close)кругом (round, around, all around, about, all round, all over)повсюду (everywhere, throughout, all over, overall, far and wide, about)везде (everywhere, anywhere, everyplace, passim, about)в обратном направлении (backwards, backward, counter, about, round)недалеко (near, not far, not far off, a short way off, about)неподалеку (nearby, around here, within easy reach, thereabouts, thereabout, about)поблизости (nearby, near, around, hereabout, thereabouts, about)рядом (next, nearby, beside, alongside, by, about)имя прилагательное:меняющий курс (about)двигающийся (moving, underway, about)находящийся в обращении (current, about)глагол:менять курс (about, veer, cast about, tack, about-ship)поворачивать на другой галс (about, tack)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.